This happened kind of by accident really, even though it is quite a popular item amongst fit foodies, we had never really tried fluff ourselves. Admittedly, we regret not having tried sooner because its AMAZING. Perfect volume food, as fluff or fluff ice-cream!
350g Frozen Raspberries*
1 Cup Almond Milk
3 Scoop Bulkpowders Raspberry Whey
3 Tbsp Sweet Freedom Syrup
1 Tsp Raspberry Extract
*Can be subbed with Blueberries if preferred.
For Fluff:
Add all ingredients into a blender and then pour into your favourite bowl, that’s pretty much it.
For Fluff Ice-Cream:
Pour into a sealable container and place in the freezer for upto 4-5 hours. Once hardened its ready, you just need to take it out to thaw just enough to roll with your ice-cream scooper.
We had ours topped with Raspberry fudge balls, inside an edible protein choc bowl made with our popular Protein Choc Recipe (http://themusclebakery.com/recipes/dairy-free/dairy-free-protein-chocs/)
How will YOU have yours? :D
Makes up to 10 single ball servings.
Nutritional Info per Serving
71 Kcals | 0.6F | 8.9C | 8.1P
For more delectable, exquisite recipes and nutritional options please visit the wonderful and talented The Muscle Bakery.
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